The dark days of 2024 and the team that got me through
Some years are harder than others. You know, the ones where you crawl to the end, counting down until the year is just over.
2024 has been one of those years for me, both personally and professionally.
For many reasons, I have struggled to keep up with life this year. It has been a real trial. As the longest year known to man ends, I am reflecting on what got me through and what I can learn for the year ahead.
With two of our team leaving, I have spent a lot of time thinking about what an important part of our lives our colleagues are. Love or hate them, you often spend more time with them than your friends or family. They are the people who see us day in and day out, on the good days and the really bad days. They are the ones that take us for coffee when we need a time out. They drive us insane when they don’t deliver something we need. Laugh out loud at the dumbness around you. Speak up in a meeting when they see we can’t.
This year, my team kept me going on some days and covered for me on others when I couldn’t be in the office. They made me laugh and listened while I ranted about the world’s woes. We did tarot cards every Monday and had many coffee dates.
Knowing they would turn up every day made me turn up every day.
Together, we:
- Delivered 35 different projects for 17 clients.
- Engaged with hundreds of people in 30 workshops and 17 focus groups.
- Ran our first not-for-profit communication strategy training day – a highlight for all of us!
- Leaned into our expertise to help others up lift their capability with three writing training courses, one client engagement and one engaging with influence session.
- Wrote nine strategies and reports, 21 blogs and over 100 social posts.
In short, we delivered a lot for a small team of four that works from an office in my house, with a Director whose mind was often elsewhere.
Last year, I wrote about I becoming we, becoming three, turning into a tribe. In two years, we quadrupled our staffing numbers. As this year comes to an end, we are saying farewell.
Sue, the OG Elm team member, has moved permanently to work with one of her former clients in the ACT Government. I could not be more proud of the woman, mother, and communication professional I have watched her become. I hope she continues to speak the truth about what great communications looks like and champion our profession!
This time last year, I made an agreement with Nikola, our intern’s turned team member. She could stay with us for one year. What we do is so unique, and it is such a different work environment from being in an office that I knew we had to limit her time with us for her professional growth. Damn, you past-Mel. She’s too good to let go. I have had the privilege of watching her confidence and skills grow over the past two years, and I am so very, very proud of her as she moves on to her big new adventure.
Sue and Nikola will always be part of the Elm family.
I can’t leave out Amy who has brought so much to our team in terms of skills and such a deep knowledge of all things behavioural science and culture. But she has also brought great positivity and strength to our team, which I really needed this year. She stepped in for me more times than I can count and checked to ensure I was okay.
The four of us created a lasting bond through support and laughter. We learnt from each other and leaned into each other’s skills. It was honestly one of the great parts of my year.
Next year, Amy and I will power on together. I don’t know what 2025 will bring—I’ve stopped guessing. What I do know is we are determined to keep Elm running when so many other small businesses have decided to close this year in a tough market. We will stick to our values and continue delivering exceptional client support.
I don’t often publicly thank my team, but I want to take this opportunity. You are all amazing in unique ways, and I can’t thank you enough for all you have done this year.
Happy holidays everyone. Here’s hoping everyone has a happy, healthy and content 2025!