

Crucial to the success of any communications campaign, team business plan or cultural change is bringing people on the journey with you. You can do it alone, but no one will buy into your ideas. That’s why you need to get people together and co-create the solution.

We know that the best outcomes are when everyone is part of the conversation. We take a structured approach to facilitation to allow everyone to participate, it doesn’t matter if they are normally the loudest person in the room or the quiet person in the corner.

We have been part of too many planning days that are boring and have no clear purpose. It means that we won’t deliver that for you. We have a strong philosophy of delivering purposeful, engaging, fun and useful workshops.

We facilitate sessions for small intimate team-based conversations through to whole-day workshops for hundreds of people.

“Thanks for the past two days, we all thought Amy was terrific. She did a really superb job on keeping everyone busy, the variety of tasks kept interest and didn’t drain everyone. She was sooo good.” 

– Branch Manager, APS

Our approach

There are three phases when we deliver a workshop for you.

  1. Preparation – This will be an iterative process to ensure we fully understand your needs and are able to tailor the design of the workshop to get the outcomes you want. This might mean meetings or a few phone calls to understand what you need to achieve and as many drafts of the agenda as we need to get it right.
  2. Facilitation – We will design and deliver a customised interactive workshop that will engage everyone in activities and conversation. We will create a safe and productive environment for participants, establishing clear objectives and outcomes for the workshop, and use a variety of facilitation techniques and methods to engage participants. We balance structure to get through everything and agility to adapt to dynamics of the group.
  3. Something to take away – We know that the enthusiasm of the day can fade away unless you have clear, actionable outcomes. We will ensure that you have a write up from the session to keep track of your commitments and next steps.

“I have been more engaged today, than in any other workshop in my ten years in government.”

– Workshop participant, November 2020

Behind the scene in workshop design

Running a workshop is easy right? Wrong it takes experience, skill, time and patience. There is a misconception that you can just run a workshop tomorrow but to get good outcomes you need to take time to develop an agenda that will suit your group and deliver what you need.

Mel spoke to Samantha Sutherland about how they work together to get ready for a workshop.

“This is probably the best planning day I have ever been to. It’s so fun.” 

– Workshop participant, September 2022

If you are looking for a facilitator, contact us to have a chat about your requirements or fill out our workshop request form.

Get heard. Make impact - The art and science of strategic communications

We are running an interactive training session for not-for-profit organisations! The session is designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge you need to craft a compelling communications strategy.  

Click here to find out more

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