
Our consultant manifesto

As consultants, along with our values, the following principles guide how we work:

1. Delivering balanced quality outputs

We are committed to delivering high-quality work, but we recognise the importance of balance. Perfection is an admirable goal, but not at the expense of our clients. We strive to understand each client’s unique needs so we can provide a product that works for them. We will balance the pursuit of perfection against the realities of our commitments.

2. Providing respectful frank feedback

We value transparency and honesty. We know you engage consultants to provide specialist expertise or experience. We will always provide you with our best advice.

While we aim to provide frank feedback and influence our clients towards the best solutions, we acknowledge that our clients possess a deeper understanding of their operating environment than we do. Our recommendations may not always align with the practicalities they face. We shall prioritise delivering what our client needs, respecting their expertise as we hope they respect ours.

3. Ethical use of information

We pledge never to exploit the information we acquire through our engagements for our gain.

We acknowledge the trust being placed in us by our clients when they provide us with data, information and insights and commit to safeguarding them with integrity and discretion.

4. Be present

When we are working with you, we will give you our full attention. We will actively engage with our clients, listening attentively to their needs, concerns, and goals. Being present means not just physically (or virtually) showing up but also mentally and emotionally investing ourselves in the project. This presence allows us to develop a deeper understanding of our client’s needs, enabling us to provide more relevant and effective advice or solutions.

5. Using our discretion

We promise to exercise discretion when discussing our clients and our work. We will not disclose our clients publicly unless we have obtained explicit consent.

We will maintain the highest level of professionalism, sharing only information pertinent to the context and always considering how we want our business to be spoken of.

We shall never engage in public or unwarranted criticism that may harm our client relationships or tarnish our reputation.

6. Respect

It goes without saying that we will always act professionally and treat our clients with respect. We expect that of our clients and their stakeholders as well. We bring experience, knowledge and skills to the project and we expect to be treated as the professionals we are.

We dedicate ourselves to delivering the highest professionalism, ethics, and client-centric service standards. We acknowledge that our role is one of trust and responsibility, and we pledge to uphold these principles with unwavering commitment in every consulting engagement we undertake.