
Environmental policy

As a small business providing consultancy services Elm Communications has a small environmental footprint but that doesn’t mean that we don’t always seek to conduct our operations in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Elm Communications will make best endeavours to reduce pollution, emissions and waste.

Our current impact

In 2022-23, we calculated our impact was 1.59 tonnes of C02e emissions. A majority of our emissions come from our travel to work with clients and purchased goods and services (coffee, printing and workshop goods).

Over the next 12 months, we will continue to try to reduce our impact. We have set ourselves three goals:

  • Using public transport for interstate travel (or Amy’s Tesla!).
  • Reducing paper use and printing at workshops moving to online methods where feasible.
  • Take keep cups with us wherever we go to reduce waste from our coffee addiction.
  • Supporting other small businesses that have a sustainable focus or clear emission reduction goals.

Our sustainability policy

We recognise that every business operation has an effect on the local, regional and global environment. Elm Communications will try to reduce our energy and water consumption and minimise CO2 emissions. Where possible, we will use green transport options (eg; public transport), promote recycling and use recycled materials, and access renewable energy.

In the office environment, paper will be used sensibly, with measures to re-use and recycle waste paper, and the increased use of electronic communication to reduce the need for paper use.

Elm Communications aims to meet, and where possible exceed, the requirements of relevant environmental legislation and codes of practice when working with our clients. We will work closely with clients, other consultants and suppliers to encourage and promote environmental issues.

This will include developing products for clients that meet the following standards:

  • Paper: Use papers with recycled content that is sourced from suppliers engaged in internationally recognised sustainable forestry operations and certified as legally harvested from a sustainably managed forest or timber source.
  • Printing: Utilise environmentally preferred technologies such as waterless printing and vegetable-based inks. Ensure printed materials are free of unnecessary coatings, adhesives, laminates and other alternative finishing choices (no matter how pretty they are) that will reduce the recovery potential of the product through the commingled recycling stream.
  • Merchandise: Ensure that products are sourced from ethical sources, manufactured and decorated with minimum impact on the environment. Products provided will not be individually wrapped or provided with excess packaging. Ensure that any waste or out-of-date products are disposed of appropriately and in line with current regulations, where possible items will be recycled.

For Elm Communications current environmental regulations, laws and government policy will be regarded as setting the minimum standards of environmental performance. We can always do better!